Catalyst for Change

Helping non-profit leaders craft and execute strategy

Since 1986, VISION Management Services has worked with more than 350 public, private and non-profit organizations in Canada and the United States to help their leaders:

• create a compelling vision

• develop sound strategies

• build an accountable organization

• navigate complex environments

How does VISION Management Services help?

VISION Management Services focuses on organizational vision as a catalyst for change. Because the leader’s role in this process is critical, Ruth helps them enhance the strategic capabilities they need through individual and team coaching.

Ruth brings an informed and creative, outside perspective to strategic discussions at planning sessions, focus groups and retreats.

Ruth is a recognized leader in the field of Governance, particularly as it relates to the non-profit world. Her view of Governance has been shaped by her hands-on experience and academic research. There is no ‘one size fits all’ model of governance. As organizations mature and their environments change an adaptive governance model is the most effective in its flexibility.

VISION Management Services has extensive networks within a variety of sectors such as health, social services, education and government.